Sunday, February 24, 2019

UPDATE: Emergency Power Generators Are Cause For Concern

The Selectboard received good news and bad news regarding the status of the Town's three emergency generators.  See State Of Emergency Power Generators Is Cause For Concern. Town Manager Herb Durfee Town Manager provided a brief update at the last Selectboard meeting, as seen on CATV

The good news is with respect to public safety building generator.  Upon further review, that generator is of sufficient size to power the entire building. Electrical work needs to be so that the generator is connected to the police station. 

The bad news pertains to the Tracy Hall and DPW emergency power generators. Both have reached the end of their useful life. "Just repairing for the next breakdown," is how Town Manager Durfee described their status. He, along with DPW Director Wiggins, are collecting information to replace both units this year.

Town Manager Herb Durfee briefs Selectboard. Source: CATV
Originally posted on HereCast on 02.22.2019