Monday, September 29, 2014

Town Manager -- Police Chief

If you believe the September 24 story in the Valley News, then one must wonder about the seemingly nonchalance of Norwich Town Manager Fulton about Police Chief Robinson looking to Thetford for a new job.

The Valley News reports that the Town Manager did not know that Robinson was a candidate, until Fulton read about it on the Thetford listserv.  That seems strange, since in June, Town Manager Fulton negotiated the contract with Thetford for Chief Robinson to act as interim chief.  No courtesy call to Fulton by Robinson or by Thetford?  Perhaps next time we lend out our officials, the agreement should say no poaching.  Stranger still, if the story is accurate, Fulton and Robinson have “not discussed his potential departure.” Why?

Although the Town Manager said the Chief “does a great job,” the Town Manager was not quoted as saying he wants the Chief to stay. Maybe that was an oversight by the Valley News or it goes without saying.  The article reports that Fulton has no worries about “filling the position because of Norwich’s competitive salary.” On this point, Fulton is wrong.  Changing police chiefs will be a distraction and disruption to the community, even with a perfect hire.   Money is not keeping Robinson, since the Thetford job pays less.  

Godspeed to Chief Robinson, whether he stays in Norwich or moves to Thetford. The Thetford Selectboard meets Monday evening.

The Valley News story is at

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